Blocks Random Colors (Commission for CPA Lobby)
This commission was done for Hardwick CPA, Atlanta, for their entrance Lobby. It is comprised of 4- 24" x 24" frames which each have 49 sewn blocks raised up on dowels cut and glued at different heights. I call them "Blocks on Stilts". The blocks are sewn japanese papers, pure gold and bronze leaf (thin metal) and new and re-cycled silk from old kimonos and thrift store dresses. I also use new duppioni silk from India in as many colors as I can find, as that is my favorite silk. A gridwork is drawn to aid in placement of the dowels. Wonderful light patterns are formed when spotlights are focused on the blocks. They must be framed under glass in a deep shadowbox frame. Any size or colors are available for commission. Different framed components could be arranged in large or odd spaces. Many block patterns could be done.